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The Mythology of Aries Aries, also known as the Ram, is the first sign of the zodiac and is associated with courage, leadership, and determination. In ancient mythology, Aries was often depicted as a powerful and brave creature, capable of defeating any opponent. One such mythological story involves the god Hermes, who was known for his speed and agility. Hermes had been tasked with capturing a great beast that was terrorizing the countryside, but he was unable to catch it due to its incredible strength and speed. One day, while out hunting, Hermes came across Aries, who boasted of his own strength and power. The two engaged in a friendly competition, with Aries challenging Hermes to catch him in a game of chase. Despite Hermes' speed, Aries proved to be too quick and nimble, darting through the forest and leaping over obstacles with ease. However, Hermes was determined to capture the Ram, and he tricked Aries into stumbling over a hidden tree root, allowing him to finally catch his prey. Impressed by Aries' strength and agility, Hermes declared him the winner of their game and bestowed upon him a place among the stars. Today, Aries is represented in the sky by a constellation bearing his image, a testament to 『领略更多 星座知识请关注 :星座运势网,wwW.xinGzuoYunSHi.CC〗his bravery and fearless nature. In modern times, those born under the sign of Aries still embody the spirit of their mythological namesake, boldly pursuing their goals and overcoming obstacles with determination and courage.


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