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The Eight Characters Short Sentences on Family Family is an important institution in our lives. It is the basic unit that provides us with love, care, and support. In Chinese culture, there are eight characters that describe the essence of family. These eight characters are known as Ba Zi or the Four Pillars of Destiny. The first four characters represent the year, month, day, and hour of birth of the family's male head or patriarch. The second four characters represent the year, month, day, and hour of birth of the family's female head or matriarch. Together, they form the Ba Zi or Eight Characters. With these eight characters, one can draw insights into the family's fortune, strengths, and weaknesses. Here are some short sentences that describe the essence of family using the eight characters. 1. 先天为主,后天为辅。
- Predestination is the main factor, while free will is secondary. 2. 家和万事兴。
- Harmony in the family brings prosperity in all aspects. 3. 男承外姓,女嫁外家。
- Sons carry on the family name, while daughters marry into other families. 4. 兄弟如手足,夫妻如衣服。
- Siblings are like hands and feet, while spouses are like clothes. 5. 日久生情,风水影响。
- Love grows with time, but feng shui influences it too. 6. 见色忘友,见利忘情。
- Some forget their friends when they see wealth or status. 7. 家无常事,人有常情。
- Nothing is permanent in a family, but human emotions are. 8. 严于律己,宽以待人。
- Be strict with yourself, but be kind to others. These eight characters' short sentences on family reinforce the importance of family values, love, and harmony. They remind us that the family is the foundation of our society, and how we treat our family members influences our lives' quality. Therefore, we should cherish our family, respect our elders, and treasure our relationships with our loved ones.


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